Simplify Your GA4 Setup with This Handy Checklist

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) can seem tough, but it doesn’t have to be! This simple checklist covers the essentials, from setting up your GA4 account to tracking key events, analyzing reports, and improving conversions. Whether you’re new to GA4 or just need a refresher, this guide breaks down each step in clear, easy-to-understand language.

Here’s the checklist in a table format based on the “GA4 Ultimate Cheat Sheet” image:

1. Setting Up GA4Create GA4 PropertyNavigate to Admin, create a new property
Install GA4 TagUse Google Tag Manager or manual setup
Link to UAConnect GA4 to Universal Analytics
2. Key Metrics & DimensionsUsersUnique visitors to your site
SessionsPeriods of user activity
Engagement RateMeasures user interaction
EventsTrack specific actions (clicks, downloads)
ConversionsTrack key actions like purchases
3. Event TrackingDefault EventsAuto-tracked events like pageviews
Custom EventsCreate events for specific actions
Event ParametersAdd details to events like value
4. Reports & AnalysisRealtime ReportMonitor live user activity
Life Cycle ReportsTrack user journey from acquisition to retention
ExplorationsCustom reports with advanced tools
AudiencesSegment users by criteria
5. ConversionsSet Up ConversionsDefine key events as conversions
Track Conversion PathsAnalyze steps before converting
Multi-Touch AttributionUnderstand the impact of different touchpoints
6. AudiencesCreate AudiencesSegment users by demographics, behavior
Use in Google AdsImport GA4 audiences for targeted campaigns
Analyze Audience BehaviorUnderstand segment interaction
7. Privacy & ComplianceData RetentionConfigure how long data is stored
Consent ModeAdjust tracking based on user consent
Anonymize IPProtect privacy by anonymizing IPs
8. Advanced FeaturesUser ID TrackingTrack users across multiple devices
Cross-Platform TrackingCombine data from web and app
BigQuery IntegrationExport data to BigQuery for advanced analysis
9. Troubleshooting & Best PracticesDebugViewTest and validate GA4 setup in real-time
Regular AuditsReview events and conversions for accuracy
Stay UpdatedKeep up with GA4 updates and features

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