Master SaaS SEO with This 70 Point Checklist

This 70-point SaaS SEO checklist covers On-Page, Semantic, Lead Generation, Off-Page, and Technical SEO strategies to help you improve rankings and drive conversions.

Here’s an updated checklist with no numbering and 20 additional recommendations:

On-Page SEOCreate dedicated landing pagesFor each feature, create unique landing pages
Optimize title tagsUse specific product-based keywords in titles
Use product-based keywords in H1 tagsImprove relevance by including feature-related keywords
Implement clear CTAsAdd clear CTAs on pricing/demo pages
Write unique meta descriptionsFocus on benefits and features in meta descriptions
Optimize URLsFeature-based URLs (e.g., automated-crm-features)
Structure internal linksLink product pages to case studies and blogs
Include customer testimonialsAdd testimonials on product pages to boost conversions
Use pricing comparison tablesInclude SEO-friendly descriptions in pricing tables
Implement interactive featuresAdd calculators or demos to improve engagement
Semantic SEOBuild topic clustersCenter around core product features
Use niche-specific entitiesInclude entities related to integrations (e.g., Salesforce)
Create content targeting “What is [solution]?”Use structured data for such content
Optimize for Knowledge Graph entriesLeverage Knowledge Graph for platform-specific queries
Use semantic keyword variationsTarget variations like “cloud CRM” and “online CRM”
Lead GenerationPlace demo request forms on key pagesIncrease conversion with demo request forms on high-traffic pages
Use gated contentOffer whitepapers or eBooks for lead capture
Implement exit-intent popupsOffer trials or demos when users are about to leave
Set up lead scoringScore inbound traffic from organic sources
Optimize thank-you pagesPromote additional SaaS offerings on thank-you pages
Off-Page SEOSubmit product to comparison platformsList product on sites like G2, Capterra, GetApp
Get SaaS guest posts publishedPublish guest posts on industry blogs
Collaborate with complementary SaaS providersBuild partnerships for backlinks
Get product reviews from influencersEngage with SaaS influencers for reviews
Partner with SaaS directoriesGain backlinks from authoritative SaaS directories
Earn backlinks through reports or whitepapersPublish insightful industry reports
Offer affiliate discountsCreate partnerships by offering exclusive discounts
Engage with SaaS communitiesContribute to SaaS communities on Reddit, Product Hunt
Participate in SaaS-related podcastsGet interviewed on relevant podcasts
Leverage unlinked brand mentionsConvert unlinked mentions into backlinks
Collaborate with influencers in your nicheEncourage backlinks from niche influencers
Build authority by offering free toolsDevelop tools or widgets to get links from industry peers
Technical SEOOptimize for Core Web VitalsImprove loading, interactivity, and visual stability
Implement structured data for productsAdd Product, FAQ, and Review schema
Ensure proper canonicalizationHandle duplicate feature pages correctly
Fix HTTP to HTTPS issuesEnsure HTTPS on all platform pages
Compress images and videosSpeed up product and demo pages with compressed media
Implement lazy loadingImprove page speed by lazy loading media
Create an XML sitemap for products and blogsEnsure search engines can easily find your pages
Set hreflang tags for multi-language platformsEnsure language-specific indexing for global reach
Set up proper redirects for legacy pagesAvoid broken links with 301 redirects
Regularly check crawlability and indexingEnsure key pages are being crawled and indexed
Monitor error logsUse tools like Google Search Console to catch errors
Conduct regular SEO auditsEnsure the overall health of your website’s SEO

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