High Ticket Affiliate Blog Course (Live Project)
About Course
Completely New & The Only Methods To Run Affiliate Marketing & Blogging in 2025 – Exclusively With NShamimPRO | Live, Step By Step Guides To Earning Money Online ($0 to $1000) In Just 6 -11 Months
I have done this with our Amazon Affiliate Live Project Before | 100s of Students (some of them had no prior knowledge of the online world!!!) made even more money than me at that period by starting from scratch.
It’s time to do it again!
অনলাইনে কাজ করতে গিয়ে হাই-টিকেট শব্দটা শুনলেই মনে হয় এইটা অনেক কঠিন কিছু হবে যেটা আমার স্বল্প জ্ঞানে বা স্বল্প বাজেটে ধরা বা ছোঁয়া যাবে না। মনে হতে পারে যে – হাই টিকেট অ্যাফিলিয়েট করতে হলে হাজার হাজার ডলার খরচ করতে হয় পিপিসি ক্যাম্পেইন করতে বা বিশাল টিম লাগে অথবা অনেক অনেক কিছু জানতে হয় শুরু করার জন্যে – বিষয়টা আসলে এতো জটিল কিছু না।
Since October 2023, the Blogging & Affiliate industry has completely changed. For 2025, we need to have a different approach!
Google started prioritizing specific kinds of sites and millions of blog’s traffic just cut to half and in some worst cases, the site gets completely deindexed.
Many people lost interest in working in this sector anymore and I heard a lot of stories of bloggers who completely switched the industry…
Some bloggers tried to recover the site from Google’s update – but no luck so far….because the algorithm of search engines is not stable either. How come you proceed with your one solid theory when Google has millions of ways to down you ahead?
Not only Google; but the Amazon Affiliate systems creating another phase of account deactivation harassment and innocent marketers are the main victims of it.
So, in general – millions of Internet Marketers who were solely dependent on Blogging, Affiliate Marketing, and most importantly Google Traffic – got the heaviest blunders in the world on their face.
Many people wanted to get into this digital marketing industry for passive income – but this uncertain algorithm update maniacs pushed people back and those who had some sort of interest, got lost and who were in some other courses – dropped down due to loss of interest.
But this is not the end of the world.
This is not how we stop working and let the world defeat us.
The industry has been worse and is not in our favor – that doesn’t mean there is no other way to face it.
There are plenty of ways to confront them and make a better living.
It’s just WE – who needs to get up and start working on.
In this new LIVE Affiliate Project – I am going to show you the ONLY Way (& The Working Way) To Face The Odds…
This Affiliate Course Is Perfect For You If You:
- Had a blog, but dropped. No traffic, no sales no income
- Tried different things but lost interest
- Tried different things but made no money
- Had courses but no result or outcome was achieved
- Don’t know how to get started online
- Have an interest but have other things to do
- Require investment but have no money to do that
- Got banned as an Amazon Associates
- Got your Site deindexed and found no way to recover it
Core Methodology:
1. We will proceed differently (as Google ranks particular type of sites better)….will dive the vast digital marketing space along with SEO.
– Create a Business (Product or Service)
– Promote our other offers/affiliates as Blogs
2. Scaling
– Offering High Ticket Offers to our Product Buyers
– Offering extra discounts to our Product Buyers as Affiliates
3. Marketing channels
– Social Media (Pinterest, Insta and Twitter)
– Google and Other Search Engines
– Email Marketing
– Advertising
– Video Marketing on YouTube
– Parasites (LinkedIn, Forums, Mediums)
যারা নতুন ভর্তি হবেন এই কোর্সে – তাদের জন্যে বোনাস হিসেবে আমাদের সব কোর্স ফ্রি করে দেয়া হলো। মানে একটা কোর্সে অ্যাডমিশন নিবেন, আর বাকি সব কোর্স ফ্রিতে পেয়ে যাবে এই EID Offer চলাকালীন সময়ে (আমরা একটা টার্গেট সিট/Students ধরে রেখেছি, ওইটা ফিলআপ হয়ে গেলে বরাবরের মতোই Course Admission Closed করে দেয়া হবে!
চলুন শুরু করা যাক।
Course Content
Course Intro
Why We Started This Course & How We Will Move Ahead?